OMB Report on DOD Sustainability

DoD earned 3 out of 7 red lights on its OMB scorecard for failure to sufficiently reduce energy intensity and fleet petroleum use and to green more of its buildings.

Here is the plan to change those red lights to green:
Energy intensity: The agency achieved an 11.2% reduction on a goal of 15%. Going forward, the $24 billion Military Construction and Facilities Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization budget will be used to fund programs to reduce facility energy use.

Petroleum: DoD reduced non-tactical vehicle petroleum use by 6.6% on a target of 10%. Future plans include more alternative fuel vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles.

Green buildings: Fewer than 5% of DoD’s buildings greater than 5,000 gsf meet the Guiding Principles for buildings. To improve, DoD will mandate that all new construction and renovations comply with the Guiding Principles and meet LEED Silver standards, with a particular emphasis on energy and water efficiency. DoD will also work to improve reporting systems.

DoD scored a home run on reducing potable water intensity, reducing by 13% from 2007 to 2010 on a target of 6%. Most of the reduction came from an aggressive leak detection and repair program. The agency also got green lights for submitting the GHG inventory for Scopes 1-3. Finally, DoD got a yellow light for falling short of the mandate to increase use of renewable energy as a percent of facility electricity use.

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