RSMeans CCI Update

It’s that time of the year, just released, your new RSMeans City Cost Index update is ready to download and use today.

Please make sure you are signed up for notifications of these downloads for your free RSMeans CCI updates, our 4Clicks Chatter Quarterly Newsletter, notifications of our regional training classes, webinars, and more. Visit, and sign up at the bottom right corner of the page.

Instructions:  There are two ways to complete this update. Use the method that makes the most sense for your situation. First is the manual way for folks that don’t have the permission to run the update or have time to wait for their IT team to complete this process. Simply download the actual CCI file using this link:

Then save the file into the e4Clicks/guides folder. This will overwrite the existing CCI file with the new one.

The second way is to let the computer do all the work. Download the following link:

1.0  Get everyone out of e4Clicks Project Estimator.

2.0  Download the program update file with the download link above and save it to your desktop.

3.0  Open the download file to your desktop and run RSMCCIUpdate. Please be sure that the update is pointing to your e4Clicks folder. (This process updates the RSMeans City Cost Index files).

4.0  Log into e4Clicks and verify that you have updated your quarterly City Cost Indexes.  Choose Browse from the menu, then City Cost Indexes to view the City Cost Indexes please be sure to use the CCI to set to your correct quarter.

5.0  Please let us know if you have any problems. If you don’t, please delete the update file from your desktop.

Finally, the document link below reviews the steps to update your default and project totalling components.

We appreciate your business. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have.


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